Leadership Team
Shared leadership serving out of God’s love
Grace Communion Derby’s style of church governance that we call Team-Based Pastor-Led, and the accompanying ministry priorities are described as the Love, Faith and Hope avenues.

Kirk Hayden

Laura Hayden
Laura Hayden
Hope Avenue Coordinator and Communications Ministry
Hope Focus – Worship the Sunday worship experience—intentional preparation, inclusive gathering, and inspirational worship.
Hope Focus – Worship the Sunday worship experience—intentional preparation, inclusive gathering, and inspirational worship.

Ross Hays

Rhonda Hays
Ross Hays
Faith Avenue Coordinator, Bible Studies and Administrative
Discipleship—discipling people in the faith—small groups, discipleship classes, Bible studies, missionary activities and events
Rhonda Hays
Women’s Ministry on Faith Avenue Team
Email: contact-us@gcderby.org ~ Church Phone: 316-440-0889

Leadership Team
Serving with faith, love and unity are: Curtis and Lisa Cherney, Carol Gaeta, Mary Ann Garden, Jeff and Paula Todd, Bob and Sue Ann Wildt, Valerie Worley, and the pastoral team. Not Pictured: Melody Everhart

Worship Team

Sue Ann Wildt
Children’s Ministry Team
Directed by Sue Ann Wildt, Assisted by Renee Vanscyoc
and Valerie Worley.

Jeff and Paula Todd
Directed by Jeff and Paula Todd